[Auction][1 Day Only] Nether Hound egg

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by hallandr721, Dec 28, 2013.

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  1. So i have Desided that I would Auction 1 Nether Hound of 3 that some1 randomly passed me Today ]
    Item 1 Nether Hound egg
    Start Bid: 9k
    Minimum increasement: 100r
    end Time Tonight at 12am EST.
    Pick up at 18839 SMP9
  2. heres a screen shot 2013-12-28_16.51.28.png
  3. Until we hear back from the IcecreamCow - I am going to shut this auction down. Yes, I know we let that other one go. But we haven't technically allowed these to be auctioned by themselves.
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