For me EMC is slow doesnt always load, posting a message or a thread takes about 20 clicks of post. Anyone else having these problems?
Not currently, although when I had them yesterday, and were still working perfectly for me.
On saturday, the site was down for some normal users and some staff. I was trying to get on the site for 16 hours, I got some sleep (5 hours) after iSmooch told me it was just a hostname error. It was fine when I woke up at 10:00AM. The site has been slow-loading since then though.
Sometimes I get 70-90% internet strength and signal quality, Yet it's SUPER SUPER SUPER not be able to use the internet slow. lol.
My internet holds up my computer, my mum's computer, my brother and sister's shared computer, my dad's computer and his iPad.
I've been having issues for a while but it's not an everyday thing, it only happens every couple of days. Earlier today the only thing that loaded was the top half of the page. It's not my net because everything else runs just fine.