Greetings! In honour of 70k members of EMC (and my 6000th post ) I will be holding a giveaway for 70k.It's simple enough, pick a number, and then 7 very lucky members will get 10k each 1 - canuckshockey2 - _Stads_3 - Cchiarell69144 - SkyDragonv85 - IronicSwordPlay6 - mman28327 - BFTBG8 - adondrabkin9 - marine412110 - finch_rocks_111 - Damiensmom1112 - cddm95ace13 - HylianNinja14 - mba201215 - Chizmaro16 - skrillexrocks50017 - Luckypat18 - generalfelino01519 - akela13220 - FDNY2121 - hallandr72122 - Hash9823 - TigerstarMC24 - deathconn25 - Kev2002226 - Lukas322627 - THE_LEGEND428 - fireshadow5229 - Jake_bagby30 - Aquazzz31 - NZScruffy32 - Leopard_Knight33 - jrm53134 - tedrocker35 - stormboy23136 - Mindlegokid37 - BTHarrold9838 - _angel1339 - nick501340 - NetherWorld66641 - allengero42 - AmusedStew43 - WeirdManaico44 - Bro_im_infinite45 - flamingpotato4246 - RevampedMadness47 - darksuperlord48 - BobTheTomato979849 - TomvanWijnen50 - xothis_dwarf51 - BlackKnight102152 - Dwight527353 - Gadget_AD54 - Gap54255 - ViliZi56 - ninjaboy565657 - Olaf_C58 - sellshop59 - EquableHook62460 - Kman12200061 - xHaro_Der62 - Runningrhino63 - goofballbroker64 - 60765 - gollark866 - NurseKilljoy67 - Equinox_Boss68 - trent94869 - samsimx70 - boozle62871 - Elysphic72 - Ark_Warrior173 - WolfThunderblade74 - Sunny_Chicken75 - yankees51876 - SDOliveira77 - brickstrike78 - battmeghs79 - wolfegab80 - JaydenFerrer12381 - Kaizimir82 - hashhog300083 - jkrmnj84 - xI_LIKE_A_PIGx85 - weeh66686 - Rundercaster87 - bemvino8788 - zh8889 - Qwerty18990 - Choongjae91 - JZH100092 - BevK5693 - snow_freak94 - Jwlpo95 - penfoldex96 - TheSpyPie97 - Luckygreenbird98 - crabcakes200m99 - TheMiniKins100 - M4nic_M1ner101 - jacob5089102 - AKing707103 - Defluxer104 - the_creeper_lord105 - FirstJugBurgerz Here's to the next 70k and all good times in between Good Luck! Including deleted profiles 69,633 profiles are on the currently on the forums, but that user marks the creation of the 70,000th member of the forums.