523 days of EMC minecraft

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ddales, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. Hello whoever reads this i just want to say that i just noticed that i played for 523 days and i would like to share my story.

    When i first joinend the empire i immediately felt like home, simply because the members greeted me and where very helpfull when i had questions. at a sertain point in my emc life i didnt had a thing to do and the normal building at the res jsut wasnt enough for me, so that was a point i wasnt very active in the emc. a bit later a group of people invited me to their wild ''clan'' and i joined them. since than i am way more active because the wild has way more to offer.

    sadly i cant do a drop party or anything else because i am in the wild currently.
    I hope people will have the same amizing experience as me.
    jacob5089 and PenguinDJ like this.
  2. Good to see you're enjoying your time here. I've been on for just over a year and don't regret joining.