Well, I never got around to introducing myself, and now I need to post something and have NO idea what category to put it in so people can see it so..figured I'd do both . Well I'm eramas_man20, still relatively new to the Empire but, have become less of a "noob" lol, I've already build a couple things in the wilderness that people use on a regular basis, one being the land bridge at the East Outpost, and the other being the Pier off of that land bridge. It's a really good feeling seeing people actually use things you worked so hard to build. Well, as for the other thing, I have a 25 Man ventrilo server that I think would be great to use that way we can meet each other and talk more and hopefully become a closer community, I know 25 people is not nearly enough to fit everyone on the servers but, it's all I can afford for now so.. Anyway, if you want to hop in and chat, feel free to anytime HOSTNAME or IP: vent17.gamespeak.com PORT: 4325 PASSWORD: beenthere (case sensitive) Just hop down into the "Minecraft" channel (It's the last in the list, as you will see I played a lot of other games) P.S. If this info could be reposted as a sticky or the "News" that would be great that way more people might see it.