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Mar 29, 2019
Dec 10, 2012
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Elite Member, Male

superg64 was last seen:
Mar 29, 2019
    1. SleepyPK
      Where to for the stuff?
      1. superg64 likes this.
      2. superg64
        4393 :3
        Jun 24, 2013
      3. SleepyPK
        Okie dokie. Expect it soon. Minecraft is glitchin' for me right now, so leave a [ACCESS] chest for me at your spawn or something-another.
        Jun 24, 2013
      4. SleepyPK
        Just dropped off your stuff. Don't spend it all in one place now. :)
        Jun 25, 2013
    2. FirstJugBurgerz
      Ok I will be on to get them once my laptop is near me. :P
    3. FirstJugBurgerz
      Ok then. Truth was, I didn't really think about how much a player was capable of selling to me when I set up that chest. Please give me back 6,300 rupees and I will give you all of your gold back that you sold to me. Meet at my res, 3794, on Smp2 at around 6:30 pm EST and we can straighten this out peacefully. :)
      1. superg64
        ok i payed and need 430 ingots back :P
        Jun 24, 2013
    4. FirstJugBurgerz
      Super you must give me an explanation as to why I have lost so many rupees. This WILL be reported to a moderator since I DID NOT make those purchases my rupee history says I did. Give me an explanation. My rupees balance was 6,477, and now it's 12. Give me an explanation, or you will be banned.
      1. superg64
        I sold gold to your shop and you didn't ask me for an explanation. If you want I'll give the rupees in exchange for my gold :D
        Jun 24, 2013
    5. IronicSwordPlay
      You have a build you want shown plz tell me what it is!
    6. kevdudeman
      Loving the profile picture, make sure it's well known I started it :P
      1. IronicSwordPlay and superg64 like this.
      2. superg64
        I feel smarter and handsomer now because of you and jefry!
        Mar 11, 2013
    7. facu12301
      Hey I need 2 beacons i want to buy.
      1. superg64
        Mar 1, 2013
      2. facu12301
        Nvm. I got them for 10k
        Mar 1, 2013
    8. facu12301
      Now You became supporter! You join december 10th And You have 293 posts And 87 likes! Very good! I know u like using forum as me! Congrats! You are on fire!
      1. IronicSwordPlay and superg64 like this.
      2. superg64
        Thanks :D
        Feb 10, 2013
      3. facu12301
        Btw, You are rich! I think that more than Me! How did You get a dc of gold?
        Feb 10, 2013
      4. superg64
        idk i didn't work for any of it at all. someone also took 3 stacks of gold blocks from me(when it was 9r each)
        Feb 10, 2013
    9. jkjkjk182
      Admit it. You are obsessed with rupees.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. superg64
        i'm more obsessed with hoarding a specific item
        Feb 6, 2013
      3. jkjkjk182
        ... Dirt? >_>
        Feb 6, 2013
      4. superg64
        mostly more expensive items for example gold :D
        Feb 6, 2013
    10. JackBiggin
      Hey, Please remember to not bump very old topics, it's considered rude. Thanks! :)
      1. superg64
        Sorry didnt see the date!
        Dec 13, 2012
      2. JackBiggin
        Haha, don't worry about it! Anyway, welcome to the Empire :)
        Dec 13, 2012
      3. superg64
        thank you!
        Dec 14, 2012