[Auction] - Dragon Stones 8x

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by samaror, May 17, 2015.

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  1. Auction
    Dragon Stones x8

    Starting bid: 1r
    Bid min: 100r

    View at /v 19832
    Auction ends 48hrs. after last bid
    Item will be available for pick-up within 24hrs. of payment
  2. are these not worth anything anymore???
  3. your auction is over tikalex one it has been 48 hours since last bid. Please have staff close thread.
  4. no, looks like their is a few more hours left
    ChickenDice likes this.
  5. but in all seriousness, are they not valued anymore?
  6. Ill take em 8 for 12.5k :3
  7. BAD BOY
  8. no you bad 171oor
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