Any other programmers out there?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DemonThunder345, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. I am currently taking Visual Basic and I have taken HTML 5. Very simple languages to start off with but can do some cool stuff. I suggest you learn HTML, it will give you a nice base. Python is extremely simple and used in pretty much nothing :p so don't just jump right to C and C#
  2. It all depends how deep imagination you got.
    After learning few programming languages i realized that first you imagine what you want your program to do, then you write it in programming language syntax. Imagination also helps 'keep program in you mind' so the more you can imagine the better you are at it ;). I think programming also lets you develop your imagination in time.

    Some languages are better suited to specific tasks than others. It all depends what will you use it for.
    - Assemblers - for programming at lowest processor level - hard to learn but that speed..., also if you like doing electronics with microcontrollers (also C is good).
    - C++, Delphi, Java - all rounders, easy to learn.
    - PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript - for web pages and web application programming.

    Instead of C/C++ I would learn Java. (tho i knew C/C++ before I learnt java :p) It has better (stricter defined) rules than other languages - it helps you detect program errors at compilation time. It is multiplatform language. (MC is written in it as you probably know ;)) IMO if you learn it , you will have no problem learning other languages - it is just another syntax for the same programming rules.

    For books i recommend 'Thinking in Java' and 'Thinking in Patterns with Java' (mmm patterns... ;))
    flamingpotato42 likes this.
  3. ASP.Net and VB.Net right now also.
  4. Thanks for the advice!
  5. Was it easier to learn Java after C++ than learning C++? Or are there some annoying conflicting habits?
  6. Java has almost the same rules as C++ (just different syntax in some parts). It helps to know another laguages because you don't have to learn again basic programming rules like loops. But you will also know some c++ specific that you need rid of, for programming in java.
    Yeah it was easier to learn it. Tho learning C++, Java would be longer than learning Java alone as matter of time, and the end result would be almost the same.

    ps. i started with Basic and assembler on Atari 130XE (8 bit computer), yeah im that old ;)
    Currently working as web programmer and learnt PHP, HTML5, CSS, in like 3 months, still struggling with javascript :)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  7. I have the "Thinking in Java" b0ok. :p
  8. Is swift anything at all? Or is it a stupid language that does nothing...
    flamingpotato42 likes this.
  9. Idek what that is...:p probably nothing at all. I have never ever never ever heard of it.
  10. Just from a quick Google of it, i would avoid it. I would stick with someone more common and useful.
  11. If you want to make ios apps using xCode 6 or later, you can learn it... (it uses cocoa framework)

    You can get xcode for free if you have a mac computer/labtop...

    If you have windows, you'll either have to get an emulator or a program that lets you code using xcode.
    ( That's why I haven't gotten it, I'd prefer to not work through an emulator)
  12. I do have a Mac but is this Xcode just putting blocks on other colored blocks or is it real lines of code?
  13. Also I went to a camp a few years ago and learned html and made a website with some games on it. I don't remember any of it but I can remember fast. It would be neat if I could make a website to publish my own stupid failure games.
  14. For xCode - making iOS apps

    They have a preset library, and you code based off of those resources from their library.

    Or you can code completely from scratch...

    Or if you want to go even further you don't even need xCode - but can use java to code iOS apps - but to me that's a waste of time - and for making apps quicker, i'd use a visual program alongside the code, so you can see what you're making.
  15. Just a question for people who know Java and c++. How vital is good memory management in Java versus c++. I do no memory management when using java(which is probably a terrible idea), but when learning C++, I've been told that memory management is a fairly major requirement.
  16. In C++ you have to free resources (like memory) that your program reserved, with excatly with 1:1 ratio, otherwise your program will have memory leaks (reserved but no longer used memory, wich would be free when program finally end or be terminated).

    In Java you have java virtual machine task called garbage collector, wich free unused resources, you don't have to specifcally target resources to free them, just need to remember to do not left any references targeting those resources.
    jkjkjk182 and mba2012 like this.