EMC Technical Problems

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JackBiggin, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. We're aware of the cause of the problem, guys. This is affecting EVERY server running Spigot.

    A fix is being worked on, and the servers are currently not back up.
  2. Also, it's the same problem for all, you don't need to be posting the error messages you get. :)
    We know how to fix it, just it takes time :)
    Edit: Hamster Ninja'd
    FDNY21 likes this.
  3. We are up :D
  4. I just wanted to know if anyone else had my error, coz usually you get a different error. OMG i am about to break the phone, it has been non stop of the hook............
  5. Everyones getting the same error, as it's the same problem for everyone :)
  6. For the technical people... Minecraft runs off of "Ticks", and Bukkit stores the current tick in an integer (32 bits), but the tick is based off of MILLISECONDS instead of seconds, so we just hit the point of overflowing the integer for 32bit data.

    This caused the value to go negative, which then caused a problem with other code that never expects a negative value, and therefor, crash.

    We have patched it to start at 0 and protect against negative values, so we are up now.
    mba2012, cddm95ace, FDNY21 and 3 others like this.
  7. You guys at spigot are on the BALL! Every spigot server in the world went down at the same moment and it has been traced and fixed in 27 minutes. That's not even enough time to get your oil changed.

    If you didn't already know, Aikar is THE MAN! We are really lucky to have him looking out for our communities' servers.
    cddm95ace, FDNY21 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  8. Challenge Accepted....in couple of weeks when my truck needs it. lol
    just_five_fun, mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  9. You run on Spigot right? https://twitter.com/MojangSupport
  10. cadgamer101 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  11. Ha ha ignore my comment :p
  12. The Spigot/Bukkit version of the Y2K bug :).
    Thanks for fixing it, Aikar.