Hello, I am buying this list of items: A Sweet Mix Of Staff ItemsBigdavie HeadIcecreamCow HeadSigned Aikar BookAikar HeadSigned Maxarias BookMaxarias Headignoramoose Headkrysyyjane HeadNurseKilljoy HeadSigned OrigamiJoe BookOrigamiJoe Head Essential Rares/PromosMarlix HelmMarlix ChestplateMarlix LeggingsMarlix BootsMarlix BowMomentus ToothpickVoter's BlockDiamond & Iron Block of ClickynessArena SwordArena BowSword of UDDER JusticeDragon PoopIron Supporter VoucherGold Supporter VoucherValentine's Gift (the no lore one)ICC Valentine Head Please PM me if you wish to sell any of these items from the list.Please include a price tag for whatever item you're selling to me, because i ain't gonna bid against nothing. Thanks for reading, have a nice day
Signed Aikar & Maxarias Books, Momentus Toothpick and Valentine's Gift have been bought and have been removed from the list.
Please include a price tag for whatever item you're selling to me, because i ain't gonna bid against nothing.
Ok, not 100% sure on this, but I do not believe there are any Max, Moose, or Nurse heads on the market. There may be people who have fake versions of those skins, but I dont think that there are any real ones circulating around