40 Awarded: 6 minutes ago Old Timer:Been a member for 365 days yep just got that 1 too.... had to laugh being as i'm on 741days now Edit: Knew i was old, didn't need a reminder lol i got the other 1 too
oops, was missing the 10 in the referral box... well enjoy the free trophy to those who got it before it was fixed!
Yeah, I never even referred my only ALT account, lol. Don't take my trophy! trophies! New trophy: "Being online when Aikar forgot the 10 referrals for 'Referral Master'."
I've referred 10 people? Now this genuinely shocks me. I wonder who they were, I only know of a couple. EDIT: How about "Ancient Artifact" for those of us who've been here for 2 years?