Contest: The Incredible Machine!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JabrZer0, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. ZzyborgHD, the deadline was March 14th, so don't count on getting in. Sorry.
  2. Yeah. I know, but i was almost The first to join And i edited just my machine!
  3. Hey guys, I'm sorry to say this, but I really can't accept any late entries. I'm spending a ton of time on this as it is (6+ hrs last night recording videos for less than half of the entries), and that would complicate things even more.
  5. way2smrt you entered two days late you can't expect to be added to the contest after the deadline is up
  6. So, did I win anything for my slot machine?
  7. The judging/voting hasn't started yet :D
    tjboy11, nnnnmc1 and Yukon1200 like this.
  8. Hey Yukon, you gonna be available sometime today? I was gonna show either you or Jabr the way in today.
  9. But mine is so awesome and I spent so much time on it...
  10. Possibly. I have a test tomorrow so maybe it'd be best to show Jabr, but we'll see. I'll log on around 8 EST and if he hasn't been shown, you can show me :)
    I'm sorry but if exceptions were made for one person, then we would have an influx of late entries. You entered late, and even after being told that it was to late you built it anyway.
  11. I started mine before the contest ended! WAY before the contest ended!
  12. But you didn't post on here that you were working on it. If you had done that, you would have been added to the list and would have got an extra week or so to finish it
  13. :(
  14. Is there an ETA on when voting/judging will begin? I know you guys are up to your necks in video editing right now, too, so I'm not rushing :D I can't believe that you are willing to make all these vids for everyone! Seriously, you guys are doing so much work -- thanks :)
  15. Please let me enter the contest i'll do just about anything!!!!!
  16. I have FRAPS i could help you guys make videos of other entrys if you enter me in the contest.....
  17. I just want this over so the shop contest can start ;P
    platypus364, margaritte and Yukon1200 like this.
  18. We aren't quite sure. We were going to edit the video on my computer, but my PC doesn't like the apple version of quicktime videos that Jabr's computer makes, so all the technical stuff is now being done on one computer. This being said, we are trying to get the videos done and judged on Friday, and hopefully get the voting up soon there after. We want to finish this as much as everyone else wants to win, so we are working hard at getting it done :)
    JabrZer0 is reviewing the situation. You'll get your answer over PM. No you do not need to help tape.

    margaritte likes this.
  19. Do u have to finish the video before voting?
  20. yes. the video is going to be put up so people can see all the contraptions in action (pictures would be very.... anticlimactic). once the video is done we will upload it with titles of names, and what the contraption is, and in the description will be the time range for each person (ex. Yukon1200 4:20-4:58). The same video will be used for the panel of Judges and the community voting.