Dwight's Thanksgiving Giveaway

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by The_Boulder, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. cmon man i already edited the op to show you exactly which number. sorry but according to dwights rules you lost your chance. weird gets it
  2. Darn, part that confused me was someone edited their post to change their number to 14 after u said 20 was already taken, so I wasn't sure what was still open, oh well. Good luck weird
  3. yeah i didnt pay attention to most edits unless i caught it.

    good luck all! may the odds be ever in your favor!
  4. 51 please :p
    (Hey, couldn't hurt to try...)
  5. Thanks Bite for Helping out. I will http://www.random.org/ at 10pm. Everyone cross your fingers
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  6. Hey I'll take 52, if it's possible. :)
  7. Number 11
    Congratulations !!!!!!!
    pick up is at 10008 on smp5 in a access chest
  8. O.O holy cow! Thanks Dwight!! :)
    RainbowChin likes this.