It's pretty simple, really. Just hook a /nickname plugin onto the economy plugin so whenever someone enters a nickname they want to be, have them pay to have a name. Commands for this idea: -Temporary nicknames: "/nickname temporary/temp (nickname)" temporary nicknames will be cheaper than the "permanent" nicknames (explained in next bullet), but they expire after 24 hours (or whatever Aikar wants to choose ) -"Permanent" nicknames: Command: "/nickname permanent/perm (nickname)" nicknames that don't expire, cost more, and can be removed/added at will -Nickname list for "permanent" nicknames: Command can be "/nickname list", gives you a list of all purchased nicknames you bought with "/nickname permanent/perm (nickname)" -Adding/removing nicknames: Command: "/nickname use (purchased nickname)" and "/nickname remove", allows you to use and remove your nicknames purchased with "/nickname permanent/perm (nickname)" One problem might arise from this: imposter players. So, players cannot use a nickname that a player already has assigned to them (or if they're already using it as a nickname). 5chris100 executed server command: /nickname perm Kirito [CONSOLE]: Are you sure you wish to purchase this nickname? Cost: 600r 5chris100 executed server command: /nickname perm accept [CONSOLE]: Nickname purchased. Use with /nickname use [nickname]. 5chris100 executed server command: /nickname use Kirito [CONSOLE]: Nickname equipped. T Kirito: Hey everyone! It's 5chris100! Aikar executed server command: /nickname perm Kirito [CONSOLE]: Are you sure you wish to purchase this nickname? Cost: 600r Aikar executed server command: /nickname perm accept [CONSOLE]: Error! A player is already using this name! T Aikar: Drat. Aikar executed server command: /nickname perm 5chris100 [CONSOLE]: Are you sure you wish to purchase this nickname? Cost: 900r Aikar executed server command: /nickname perm accept [CONSOLE]: Error! A player is already using this name! T Aikar: Drat again. 5chris100 executed server command: /nickname remove [CONSOLE: Removed nickname. T 5chris100: Hey everyone! I removed my nickname! Aikar executed server command: /nickname perm Kirito [CONSOLE]: Are you sure you wish to purchase this nickname? Cost: 600r Aikar executed server command: /nickname perm accept [CONSOLE]: Error! A player already bought that name! T Aikar: Drat once more. Purchased nicknames could possibly be released from the player when their derelict is up/if someone claims their res. Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Post 'em below! Community Suggestions: -Reduce imposters by having your IGN next to your nickname -Character limit (possibly 10 or 16)
Tooooooooooo many posers, just by changing one letter or a number can throw people off, don't think this will ever be implemented
As ThirstyMoose said Might be Imposters of players and Staff alike causing confusion to other players. Which we don't want on Emc.
We could fix that by putting the nickname next to the players real name, such as (Legit)Mrlegitislegit.
I've said this before in a suggestion similar to this, but a small, but great thing I like about EMC is that the chat is really clean. There's a few different colours and several automated messages at a time, but that's it for variety. Nicknames aren't a bad idea necessarily, they just don't end up looking good in chat. I know I'd rather have this: T AlexChance: Hey Than this: T [Just1nGuy]AlexChance[IcecreamC0w][cooldude1][myshopis1234]: Hey
What I noticed on the EssentialsChat plugin is that on their /nick command, it adds a ~ before your nickname so players would know you're using a nickname. So instead of: T Kirito: I'm a new user named "Kirito"! We can have... T ~Kirito: I'm a new user named "Kirito"! T darksuperlord: No you're not! You're just using a nickname. If I do "/realname Kirito", it tells me that Kirito is 5chris100!
And the best thing is, it's a customizable prefix and color, so you can have either ~Kirito, *Kirito, or anything in between!
I agree with Alex on this. I think that this could make our chat look messier, and people just shorten usernames anyway without needed a nickname. Could be confusing as well, though I do see how it might be sorta fun at first.