[giveaway] 555th day on emc giveaway!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by cutejuliew, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. 5 please if it's not taken o.o
    What made you join minecraft? :D (If you remembered >.>)
  2. 48 please :)
    Happy 555 days ;p
    Am I a brick?
    If so, what is the answer to the next question?
    Muffins, or Pies?
    If 5 x 5 = 2y, then what does y(4 x 7) - 3 equal?
    Favorite food?
    Favorite building style (if have)?
    Happiest moment on EMC?
    How many questions have I asked so far?
    If January has 31 days, February 29 days, and May has 30 days, out of 12 months, how many of them have 29 days?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. I'm not sure what that is haha and thanks :D
    I don't think I remember, I just thought the maze was really hard xD
    Yea there soo cool! I love them.

    Cause my friends showed me and I thought it was awesome!

    A friend
    kind of

    about 4 months total. I have only been gold and diamond. Gold for a month and diamond for 3 months.
    um I'm not sure, maybe this time when a 3o year old tried to ask me out xD (my mailman)

    nope never
    I would bring my coffee maker cause coffee is the only thing that keeps me living through the day.

    Shrek 1 by far.
    When Alyattayla, cddm95ace and I were all in the nether and nether hounds almost killed us like 5 times, Tayla and I were having a spaz attack after that xD

    I don't know ._.

    The cookie monster.
    My friend
    my friend

    a head from some of the mods.


    57 is not a valid number cause its already been taken please say a number not already said :)
    and my favorite book is shattering glass atm and favorite movie is world war z
    I love pandas :D
    pretty awesome!
    yea when I feel like I really need it.
    a friend

    none cause a elephant is too big fit in a school bus... if this is wrong i'll be sad xD
    a friend

    Also i need a valid number 71 is already taken... idk ._. tell me one :D
    mac of course :D
    youtube videos got me addicted.
    ahhh so many questions...
    yes u are a brick
    im not good at math
    im not sure xD
    7th question
    1 day
  4. Sorry 25 isnt a valid number please say a number that hasn't already been listed thanks :)
  5. haha took like an hour to catch up thanks guys:)
  6. Thanks for leaving me to die alone that day btw XD
    Equinox_Boss and cutejuliew like this.
  7. oh right haha sorry bout that, we were to scared from those mad dogs xD
  8. No problem ;)
  9. 59
    Are you one of the 5/4 people who don't understand fractions?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. Ill take number 45, and have a question... team jacob or team edward.. no wait a minute.
    What do you want to do for a profession? And what are you doing to get there?
    Equinox_Boss and cddm95ace like this.
  11. nope i don't even understand that 5/4 that you put there haha xD
    xD ummm TEAM FINNICK!:D :D
    video production or artist. taking classes in school
  12. 100 please if it isn't taken! And what is your favorite type of pie?
    Equinox_Boss and Panda_Paradise like this.
  13. apple
  14. That's my girl :D :rolleyes:
    Bro_im_infinite and Equinox_Boss like this.
  15. I love you...
  16. How many likes could an Equinox_Boss like if an Equinox_Boss could like likes.
    Four please :) and congrats!!!!!
    Petero555 likes this.
  17. hmm like way over 4k
    LoyalKoala, sonicol1 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  18. Close enough. :p
  19. Can I have 32 then.
    I would tell you a construction joke, but I'm still working on it. :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  20. I'll have 3, thanks.

    Who is your best friend on EMC?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.