[Auction] Double Chest of Emeralds!!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by jplafor1, Aug 24, 2013.

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  1. co-o-ombo breaker ... 80k
    cac32234 and kuraudochuu like this.
  2. bump all day eryday
  4. Congrats WCG_Elite you have won the Auction!
  5. Please pay me the 80k and pick up the emeralds on the left side of my res
  6. scratch that right side ./v jplafor1 on SMP8
  7. Paid, and received items - This thread may close now :)
  8. it hasnt been 24 hours
  9. Bth wcgelite already won it for 80k it has been 24 hours
  10. BTHarrold, first of all, that is below wcg's bid.... and ^^^^^^^^
  11. Yh sorry didnt see all pages sorry all
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