[Auction] 28 Ore Busters [Closed]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by jkjkjk182, Jun 12, 2013.

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  1. Has there been a bid yet or did this turn into a discussion on the starting bid?
  2. Lol no bids yet:)
  3. Bump, no one is winning =P
  4. sorry don't have enough unless someone wants to go half
    had to pay a lot for another auction and thought I had enough

  5. Um, you are bound to that bid now.
  6. Those kind of bids are not allowed, I think if you win, you will have to pay no matter what ._.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  7. Uhm if you don't have enough money to place a bid and then you bid, you could get banned from the auctions forum.
  8. I had the money but realized I had to pay for some other auctions.
    Sorry, was trying to re-send it.
    If I need to pay, I'll pay, but it'll be a while till I can and may need auctions myself to pay it off.
  9. i think you guys need to relax thats a large amount and to make a bid on a auction like this in error should be over looked
  10. 28 ore busters. *mind blown*
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. Player's bid is invalid as he's been blacklisted from auctions.
  12. Is this his first offence? I didn't think the mods blacklisted them so fast, only on repeated offences. And, I'm definitely not complaining.
  13. I can't believe this thread is still going... With no real bids either.
  14. I suggest selling them individually
  15. Man I would buy one or two, but I personally have never been able to save money to the extent of even hoping to bid, I agree that you should probably split them out separately.
  16. But its so... much... work! :p Oh well, I guess I will end this auction now. I just bumped it earlier because I recently saw a rise in prices:D
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