NOTE: I had the wrong name. This isn't really spam, it's just a game. Ok, I saw this on another forum. Here's how the game goes: We start at 50. If you are a supporter or staff member, it goes down. If you are a normal member it goes up. When it hits 100 or 0 we start a new game. Go.
But since this is called the spam game, well....... trollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollolloll. :0P
Ok.... I guess I should have changed the name to just Forum Game On the other forum it was called "Staff vs. Spammers"
Ok, can someone close the thread? I realized this probably was a bad idea. I guess I'll just play it on the other forum where it's actually in a spam archive
Don't, I repeat, DON'T keep spamming. I don't want anyone to get banned from this, so if someone could close the thread that'd be great. Thanks.