I Found This Mod Today... Do You Think It's Cheating?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by bitfed, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. To save time for you and the moderators:

    1. Does it give yourself an advantage over the non modded Minecraft Client?
    2. If it does, is it bot-like? (This is very broad, but most bots can fly and delete stuff in a pinch, give itself whatever, spam, build faster, move faster, and so forth)
    3. If it is, but tolerable, is it abusable quickly? Can you gather large amounts of X in a small period of time that non modded clients can't?
    4. But what if it's a x or y? Any exceptions, ask the mods or admins!
    EDIT: I am not a representative of the moderation team nor am I a consultant for the moderation team. What I say does not reflect the intentions and actions of the moderation team. What I type is that of my own words and are truly legitimately not that of the staff. If you choose to consult me about matters that could get you kicked from EMC servers, keep in mind the answers I give you are reflective of anecdotes from my Classic memories and other servers.
    That being said, what I say may or may not be reliable in the eyes of staff. But it does help!
  2. Again, this thread is not about what is acceptable on Empire.

    At least, it wasn't supposed to be.
  3. I don't think this mod would be ok. We would not be able to trust players not to cheat with it. Although we can trust some people, we can not trust all.
  4. You know what. Nevermind everybody. x-D
  5. After reviewing the video and feature set, I felt like I should add in this note, as a developer of software that constantly fought the "advantage" claims. ( http://windower.net )

    There is a HUGE difference between "Unfair Advantage" and "Advantage"

    An Unfair Advantage is where you have an Advantage over another player by negatively impacting their gameplay.

    For example, You put effort into securing your chest by hiding them in walls, but another player uses Xrays hacks and sees it. That legit players security is lessened by someone else advantage, negatively impacting their gameplay. Something that SHOULD have been decently efficient in protecting their goods, is now not due to hacks.

    That is "Unfair Advantage"

    On the other hand, "Auto mining", and "Auto running", improve the players who uses thems gameplay yes, and gives them an advantage, but this advantage does not impact other players in any way, other than "that player was able to do it more conveniently than I did it".

    If 2 people play the game, and do not confront each other, 1 using auto tools/mining/running, the other not, the unmodded player's game experience does not change a single bit based on the other players mod usage. So why is it the other players concern? Especially when the un-modded player even has the capability of using said mod themselves.

    We strive for efficiency and speed in life, whats wrong with wanting it in game too?

    It's really the same as taking stairs to the 3rd floor vs an elevator. If one person chooses to use stairs instead of elevator, what does it matter if someone else would rather use the elevator?
    Kenokam and bitfed like this.
  6. I would double-like your post if I could. Very well articulated.