Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by HurferDurfer1, Jan 2, 2013.

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  1. Item: Dc Of Srone

    Starting Bid: 1,000 Rupees

    Minimum Bid Increments: 100 Rupees

    Auction Ending Time: 24 hours after first valid bid 2013-01-02_20.46.51.png
  2. to Be picked up at 17141 on smp8
  3. mmm..... 1.2k
  4. waking up bump
  5. ashamed for bumping ,bump
  6. sorry im a bit late doing this but auction is at an end with battmeghs as le winner, just go to 17141 on smp8 to retrieve it
  7. 24 hours after the last bid, would be 10:58 pm, which is tonight. lol it's only been about 12 hours or so..
  8. no, you see I run my auctions differently I do 24 hours after first valid bid
  9. oh, alright, gotcha. :) i'll be online in a minute to pay and pick up.
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