Diamond Pick Auction!!! Fortune II

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Superboyman, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. 4050
    let me in this
  2. :D i like da bids! so far so good
  3. is 7.5k it? anyone higher?
  4. well i guess were at 4k again...powerhouse are u going 7.5?????
  5. u know its at 7.5k right...?
  6. Yeah didn't see
  7. I have a lag on the website it blocks like everything that happened in a while
  8. ok looks like 7.5k is max! anyone?
  9. Attention!!!!
    Auction is now over! Powerhouse118 won with a bid of 7.k!
    Thanks to everyone to bid! Got another pick on forums
    efficiency 3