9501-smp4-le vibrown172 This shop was started on 18/1/2012 we have alot of good items like: Diamonds : B 45r / S 40r lapis blocks: B 30 you can only donate for us by: 100r or 20r but please donate we would like it much. thanks please visit us. -Levibrown172-9501-smp4
If there were a prison in EMC, I recon you ought to be sent there for ID theft! (Hey, thats not a bad idea! Maybe on one of the big open places in each town, a prison could be built )
Sure, but you gotta figure out how, there is one particular action and one particular action only which you must do on the forums..... Not saying what, but you have to figure it out
Cults are not illegal. Though at times they can engage in illegal activities, as any individual or group can.
my Market post is not a page for chatin but plz v my shop 9501 and finish the stocks got alit of wool now with all colours
dc i difnt tell u like my dc i didnt tell u like my shop i just posted for everyone visit my shop and buy things not like the shop