[Auction] Double chest Blaze Rods

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by KingofKraft13, Sep 18, 2012.

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  1. Item: Double chest Blaze rods

    Starting Bid: 1,000 Rupees

    Minimum Bid Increments: Only raise bids by at least 200 Rupees

    Auction Ending Time: Auction will end exactly 24 hours after the last bid has been posted with no other bids after it
  2. talukegord winning with 2237r he must be beaten!
  3. Baili, I'm not sure, King was banned. Have you payed him yet?
  4. No, I haven't, but this will be a pain if I can't get my items.
  5. I don't think you can... sory.
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