emc olympics (revamped)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by magical_force, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. guys i will be hosting some olympics and jobs are open! these sports will be included: archery, running, herdles, shooting, swimming, spleef, and parkouring. i will have 2 reses open for it.
    archery coordinator, running coordinator, herdles coordinator (ect.)
    builders, redstoners, secondary res instructor, designers, suppliers, secondary in command and judges.
    to apply for a job reply to this thread with you're name any qualifications you may have and what job you want.
  2. already being done sorry but if this continues then you can host some on my res' 9140 or 9283

    EDIT: builders, redstoners, secondary res instructor, designers, suppliers, secondary in command and judges.

    I will do all job :D
  3. not being done properly (no offence) but i am doing it all with most of the sport you can do on mc
  4. lol, you're in but you have to stop doing the other 1