how much is this pick work

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Michael_Nolan, Jul 8, 2012.

  1. How does he help your cause?
  2. I have negative rupees

  3. Why is roblik accepting donations, if money is meaningless in your movement? Don't say he accepts donations so he can then donate to the community. That's like "Oh great people of EMC, donate to me so i can then donate to community and people will think I'm awesome!" You can just directly donate to community (for projects, charity...)
  4. That's exactly what she is doing. She is helping pay for the construction of a project.
  5. Guys,

    lighten up.

    I say donate to Rob because I don't want the donations. So I don't care what you do with your money as long as it isn't sent to me. :)
  6. I would say like 17000r
  7. Yes, to you. She is paying rupees to you for a project. But according to her, the movement is about playing the basic MC, no rupees, which means if you want to play it that way you should get resources on your own (with mining), not buy them with rupees. :D
    Happyshopper likes this.
  8. So surely that makes her cause null and void, since they are partaking in a economy even if it is indirectly.

    Come show me this project in game when your ban is up rob....
  9. @Rob

    Swearing. You naughty boy. :p
    roblikescake likes this.
  10. They did this before the group was created, actually.

    It's just a tempban. You've had them to, as well as a permaban, so I'd suggest not bringing that up.
    But no, I will not show you the project. It is closed from viewing till completion.
  11. wtf did I just read?
  12. 4000 tops
  13. Aw come on Robert. im only ragging at you bro..