how much is this pick work

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Michael_Nolan, Jul 8, 2012.

  1. so i bought a diamond pick with eff III unbreaking III for 31,579
    how much do u guys think its worth?

    josh303011 and Terr like this.
  2. 3k tops, and im sorry to say it.
    IamSaj, josh303011, battmeghs and 2 others like this.
  3. I see that grey text! You troll!
  4. sounds like i got a good deal :)

    lol cats
    josh303011, Frodomann1 and Terr like this.
  5. I'll take it off your hands for 4 Gold-Pressed Latinum.
    josh303011 likes this.
  6. 1. Your obviously lieing, or breaking your cake spirit rules
    2. I see that lol
    josh303011 and Terr like this.
  7. not lying

    and this is how i got rid of my money before i was in flowers,trees and bumble bees

    i have 0 rupees
    josh303011 and Terr like this.
  8. Tomorrow I'll sell you a stick for 1300, mmmkay?
    josh303011, Frodomann1 and Terr like this.
  9. Stop trying to rip him off! JK. I will pay you 1 dirt for 1300r!
    josh303011 and Terr like this.
  10. well then donate me some of that 1300 a day xD i dont see the point in joining that group anyway. when i read it i was like : " no rupees :eek:"
    josh303011 and Terr like this.
  11. The point is spiritual enlightenment through The Great Cake.

    The Great Cake demands of us this sacrifice in order to show us the true path of living in fulfillment and joy.

  12. when i go into a server i tell the people on the first one to say CATS gets the money
    josh303011 and Terr like this.
  13. You guys are just using page edit win skillz
    josh303011 likes this.
  14. Lol I will donate to you melodytune 100r when I get back from my holiday
    josh303011 and Terr like this.
  15. When I go on, I am pointed to my choice by The Great Cake Spirit.
    josh303011 and Terr like this.
    hayjam and josh303011 like this.
  17. Have we determined how much the pick work yet?
    josh303011 and Michael_Nolan like this.
  18. Can we really put a worth on enlightenment?
    josh303011 likes this.
  19. was about to say i just realized it says work not worth lol
    josh303011 likes this.
  20. how much does a cake cost?
    josh303011 likes this.