Enchanted Netherite Gear

Discussion in 'Auctions' started by Cloudpaw66, Mar 12, 2025 at 7:02 PM.

  1. Auction #4
    Enchanted Netherite Gear

    Whether you seek a long journey in the Frontier or need to harvest materials in the Wasteland, you need armor to protect yourself and tools to either fight or harvest. So why not shop for the best available? Here, you have a full set of armor and tools, perfect for making trips outside of Town.

    Here are all of the items with their enchantments in order on the image:
    Sword: Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Fire Aspect 2, Looting 3, Unbreaking 3, and Mending.
    Pickaxe: Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3, and Mending.
    Axe: Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3, and Mending.
    Shovel: Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3, and Mending.
    Helmet: Protection 4, Unbreaking 3, Respiration 2, Aqua Affinity, and Mending.
    Chestplate: Protection 4, Unbreaking 3, and Mending.
    Leggings: Protection 4, Unbreaking 3, and Mending.
    Boots: Protection 4, Unbreaking 3, Feather Falling 4, Depth Strider 3, and Mending.

    Auction info:
    Starting Bid: 10k
    Increments: 1k
    Auction Ends: 48 hours after last valid bid.
    The winner will find the items in the auction pickup area at the Fire Temple (/v 15264 on SMP7).