Friday, January 17th at 2:30 PM EMC time/v timetemple on SMP2 The time capsule has a total of 1296 chests, spanning 54 columns. The layout to find your chest is located below, to be used along with this spreadsheet. The Time Capsule closes again on: January 26th at 11:59 PM Each player that has a chest will have 10 days to move their items into place. If you are unable to be online at all during this time and want to participate, message MoreMoople. Q&A Section: What do I do if I have a time capsule from 2016-2024 that I want to pick up, but I cannot be there for the opening? Message MoreMoople and she will pull the items from the chest and set them aside for pickup at a later date. What do I do if I have a time capsule from 2016-2024 that I want to combine with more items for a 2023 time capsule? No problem. Bring your new items to add and you can re-use the same chest. PM MoreMoople if you cannot be present. What do I do if I have a time capsule from 2016-2024 that I want to pick up, but I was banned/purged during 2024? Any players who were purged during the years of their time capsule belongings will have the belongings purged as well. Time capsule chests are not able to be used to circumvent punishment. You are more than welcome to start a NEW chest for 2025. What do I do if I didn't participate in the time capsule from 2016-2024 and I want to participate this year? If you want a chest of your own at the time capsule, then message MoreMoople. Bring some items, books, or anything really that you want to lock away for a year. We've had a lot of players store promo items from the past in their chests along with books about how things were on the server, their friends, etc. All of these are really great ideas to get you started. Anything that you put in will be locked until the end of 2025, so choose wisely. How many chests do we get? Each player gets one single chest, if requested. A double chest is NOT provided. Any other questions? Ask in the comments or in a PM to MoreMoople at
Thanks for hosting I'll try to remember to actually put something in this year After you left we were talking and an idea come up of something possibly to add. If possible, a way for people to leave a note/book for others to see when they open their chest the next year. Like a seperate chest accessable only by others to put a book in. Maybe using chisled bookselves to only allow books to be placed in and nothing else. We thought that might be a cool addition to this.
Sorry I missed it, but sadly I wasn't near my computer. I hope everyone that was there had fun. I'm definitely going to place some items in my chest i have there.
I'm curious how other players use their time capsules - do you remove it all and add all new things each time? Or do you add something each time? I'd filled mine up last time (with cherry blossoms and sniffer eggs) so I took some things out and added some new things with space left for the future.
I personally take everything out, do some stuff with what I have (and sometimes even sell some things), then I put everything all back in. At this point I'm up to 6 written books from myself to myself, going back to 2019