"Stop and Drop" Mini-Mall (/visit WitheragonNew on smp7)

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by WitheragonNew, Jan 24, 2025 at 4:19 PM.


Which would you be more interested in purchashing? (What should I prioritize)

Hostile Mob Drops 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Building Blocks 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. :cool:"Stop and Drop" Mini-Mall :cool:
    /visit WitheragonNew on smp 7

    A quickly-expanding shop that already sells a variety of meats, docile mob drops, and breeds high-quality horses, llamas, donkeys, mules, and even adorable pandas, turtles, and rabbits.

    Also sells potion materials and plant products/harvests.

    Projected Growth by the End of February: Will add two more floors (hostile mob drops and building blocks) to the two that exist already, and will continue to breed more animals/expand existing options offered.

    Want to support an up-and-coming business? (And interested in visiting our on-site zoo? :))
    Check it out!

    JDHallows, Tuqueque and Trwe like this.