[Buying] Perm Derelict protect voucher

Discussion in 'Buying' started by petezman1, May 13, 2024.


    Looking to buy a perm derelict protect voucher if anyone has one in game ($125 IRL)
    Last time I bought one I paid 1.2mill so looking to pay about that much.

    I have 850k now, but I regularly sell smooth stone and am regularly selling other things like my promos and various other items I collect in bulk then sell for something.

  2. Does nobody have one? I'd really like to buy one for in game currency rather than real world currency
  3. You can get it for a bit of a higher price at /v +tv on smp8
  4. 2.5 Million Rupees? what a scam! they are worth at most 1.5

    hell to the no
  5. $1 IRL is worth 10K in game so the exact price translation is literally 1.25 Million Which makes 2.5 mil a scam/theft
    Im happy to save up more and pay maybe 1.3-1.4
  6. I believe there was one or two available for 1.5 if not someone already got them.

    The 2.5 is directly placed there on purpose so that in case people are not selling it for longer than expected, someone in a hurry might obtain it, for a guaranteed price, which means a higher barrier, otherwise people would buy it, and the “emergency stash” would have no stock.

    Otherwise, the only people I know who have been selling vouchers consistently over the past few years are Raaynn and myself. Maybe Raaynn has some, otherwise good luck in your search.

    Edit: checked and there is still one for the 1.5 price
    edi2: second voucher was acquired by someone else
    Spyrovsgnorg likes this.
  7. I purchased one of them for 1.5 :) So should be one left
    Tuqueque likes this.
  8. It's also a supply and demand thing too. Price goes up if there aren't many around.

    I was considering buying one with cash to sell you for rupees but, to be honest, cash doesn't buy the same amount of groceries so I need whatever I have for that.
    petezman1 likes this.