[closed] 1 DC of Shulkers

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by cancepants, Nov 30, 2023.

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  1. 55300r
    cancepants likes this.
  2. 55555r
    outbid if dumb
    cancepants likes this.
  3. This is better than football (bump)
  4. last minute bump?
  5. We have a winner!
    pick up is ready, unless you would like me to mail them :)w
  6. now that it is over I think I can comment.

    I don't understand how this auction got to this level nowadays that shells go for 2-3r or free.
    cancepants likes this.
  7. Outbid if dumb cant be beaten.
    cancepants likes this.
  8. i didnt think it would get this high either but boy am i glad it did
  9. i mailed them to you
  10. just paid
    cancepants likes this.
  11. It's due to the auction frenzy. People with rupees to spare having fun bidding it up with no concern of going over.

    I attended an Elvis memorabilia auction run by Sutherbee's in Las Vegas years ago. One of the auctions was for Elvis' black plastic hair comb. Probably billions of them were made in the 50's and there was no way to prove Elvis used this one. It sold for $500 and at the end the auctionaire, who was holding the item up all the time, looked at it and said "really!". The floor errupted in applause because everyone knew it was just because a few people were having a great time and didn't care about the value of it.
    cancepants and crystaldragon13 like this.
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