[CLOSED] 7 133 speed horses: one of each color!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Starsphere, Mar 22, 2022.

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  1. Sick of all your horses being the same color? This auction is for you.

    Items: 7 133 speed horses, 1 of each color
    1. White Whitefield, 133.89 speed, 73.17 jump, 20.83 HP
    2. Creamy Whitefield, 133.30 speed, 79.70 jump, 23.22 HP
    3. Dark Brown White, 133.02 speed, 81.11 jump, 23.40 HP
    4. Brown None, 133.85 speed, 74.14 jump, 22.89 HP
    5. Gray Black Dots, 133.61 speed, 69.51 jump, 22.01 HP
    6. Chestnut Black Dots, 133.74 speed, 66.06 jump, 23.58 HP
    7. Black None, 133.25 speed, 67.45 jump, 24.85 HP

    Starting Bid: 100k
    Min Bid Increment: 1k
    Auction Ending Time: 48 hours after last valid bid
    Pickup: I will mail you the horses (I will pay the mail fees)
    Kryarias likes this.
  2. 100k

    This is a total steal lmao
    Starsphere likes this.
  3. 101k
    Starsphere likes this.
  4. 106969r
    Starsphere likes this.

  5. 107969r
    Starsphere likes this.
  6. You've won, mailed!
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