[SELLING] A Variety of Promos, Enchants, & Rares

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Aoi_Kaigara, Mar 20, 2020.

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  1. Hello! I'm looking to sell a few things. If you want something, PM me or reply to this thread with a fair price. (I now am assigning prices to negotiate with). You can offer trade as well! I will get back to you when I can. Make sure to read carefully because something you want may sneak past you. Also, correct me if some prices are not accurate (as I did not have to resources and had to guess on some) or if I missed something. Thank you!

    Here's a list:

    Heads & Hot Hat:
    2020 New Year Krysyy Head (x 2) = 300k each
    2020 New Year Aikar Head (x 1) = 300k
    Aikar's Hot Hat (x 3) = 250k each

    Halloween Promos
    Bloody Shoes (x 1) = 11k each

    Christmas & Winter Promos:
    A Visit from St. Nicholas (x 1) = (not sure about this price) = MAKE AN OFFER
    Santa's Magic Bag (just the shulker box) (x 1) = 20k
    Evergreen Sapling (x 6)
    Avalauncher (x 6)
    Nutcracker (x 2) = 20,190r each
    Blizz Ard's Eye (x 2) = 12k each
    Blizz Ard's Nose (x 1) = 12k
    Blizz Ard's Arm (x 1) = 12k
    2019 Holiday Cupid (x 4) = 25k each
    Elf Hat (x 2) = 20k each

    Valentine's Day Promos:
    Cupid's Bow (x 4) = 25k each
    Cupid's Arrows (x 2 stacks + 6 more arrows) = 2.5k a stack + 3 freebies for each stack sold! :)
    Valentine's Gift Box (just she shulker box) (x 2) = 25k each

    2018 New Years Firework (x 2) = 12k each
    2019 Independence Day Firework (x 2) = 10k each
    2019 New Years Firework (x 2) = 10k each

    Thanksgiving Promos:
    Cooked Turkey (x 1 stack and 21 more pieces) = 500r each
    Turkey Trotters (x 3) = 30k each
    Turkey Slicer (x 1) = 25k

    Other Holiday Promos & Misc Promos
    1st Grade Witch's Gem (x 1) = 50k
    2013 Labor Day Bench (x 3) = 95k each
    Iron Supporter Voucher (x 1) = 65k
    2019 Remembrance Poppy (x 2) = 5k each
    2018 Remembrance Poppy (x 1) = 10k
    Stable Voucher (x 4) = 7k each
    Vault Voucher (x 4) = 5k each
    Remote Shop Sign (x 22) = 2k each
    Feast for a King (x 18) = =1k each
    Pot of Gold (x 3, 2 used) = 20k (unused), 10k each (used).
    Taste of Freedom (x 12) = 600r each
    New Player Guide (by EmpireMinecraft) (x 1) = 5k
    New Player Guide (by Krysyy) (x 5) = 3k each
    2019 Birthday Cake (x 2) = 10k each
    Ghast Heart (x 1) = 10k
    Spark (x 4) = 1k each
    Potion of Super Fire Resistance (x 1) = 10k
    Potion of Levitation (x 1) = 20k
    Shiny Carrot (x 17) = 1.5k each
    Padded Fur (x 2) = 1.5k each
    Shiny Fur (x 9) = 400r each
    Regular Lucky Rabbit Foot (x 26)
    Dragon Stone (x 12) = 5k each
    Dragon Stone Fragment (x 52) = 500r each
    Marlix's Helmet (x 1) = 16k each
    Marlix's Armor (x 2) = 16k each
    Marlix's Boots (x 1) = 16k each

    Starter Items:
    New Starter Horse (x 9) = 3k each
    Starter Bow (x 1) = 4k each
    Starter Hoe (x 4) = 3k each
    Starter Shovel (x 3) = 3k each
    Starter Pickaxe (x 1) = 4k each
    Starter Axe (x 2) = 4k each
    Starter Sword (x 2) = 4k each
    Starter Shield (x 3) = 4k each
    Starter Helmet (x 1) = 3k each

    Mob Heads (LOCATED AT 7346 ON SMP3)
    Dragon Head (x 29) = 3k each
    Silverfish Head (x 2) = 500r each
    PigZombie Head (x 7 stacks) = 100r each
    White Rabbit Head (x 1) = 4k
    Zombie Head (x 2 stacks and 3 more heads) = 50r each or 3.7k a stack
    Momentus Head (x 1) = 25k
    Zombie Villager Head (x 1) = 3k each
    Husk Head (x 1) = 5k
    Enraged Rabbit Head (x 27) = 2.5k each
    Netherhound Head (x 4) = 800r each
    Enderman Head (x 2) = 750r each
    Blaze Head (x 35) = 75r each
    Squid Head (x 2) = 1.5k each
    Polar Bear Head (x 8) = 2.5k each
    Pig Head (x 4) = 250r each
    Ghast Head (x 1) = 600r
    White Sheep Head (x 2) = 3k each
    Sheep Head (x 1) = 500r
    Endermite Head (x 1) =
    Enraged Shulker Head (x 1) = 1k
    Chicken Head (x 3) = 400r each
    Cow Head (x 1) = 40or
    MushroomCow Head (x 1) = 800r
    Witch Head (x 3) = 5k each
    Stray Head (x 2) = 1.5k each
    Wither Skeleton Skull (x 4) = 4k each
    CaveSpider Head (x 1) = 250r each
    Spider Head (x 26) = 100r each
    Charged Creeper Head (x 1) = 2.5k each

    Rares & Minerals:
    Name Tags (x 34) = 9.4k for all
    Saddles (x 12 DCs) = 50k for all 12 DCs (648 saddles)
    Iron Horse Armor (x 1 DC + 4 more armor) = 1.3k each
    Golden Horse Armor (x 31) = 2.3k each
    Diamond Horse Armor (x 7) = 3.3k each
    Lapis Lazuli (x 1 DC) = 42k for DC (around 12.15r each piece)
    Beacon (x 3) = 18k each
    Diamond Block (x 22) = 17900r for all (or 810r per diamond block)
    Obsidian (x 2 stacks + 8 blocks) = 5k for all
    Steel Spike (x 19) = 2k each
    Weighted Arrow (x 1 stack). = 2k each
    Fragile Elytra (x 1) = 10k

    For more information on enchanted items and books (because there's a lot of variety), there are preview signs on 7203 on smp3 and just browse around. There's more to this list, but it's too long and I don't want to blind you guys with all the text. Thanks for reading this! I hope you find something you're looking for.

    NOTE: This is NOT a mall, but I WILL sell in bulk if someone personally asks me too. Pickup when I'm online will also take place at 7203 on smp3. So feel free to look around if you want to. (HEADS ARE LOCATED AT A DIFFERENT LOCATION SPECIFIED IN THE HEAD LIST ABOVE)
    zirascar likes this.
  2. How much for this Saint Nico Book and Nut Cracker?
  3. make an offer for both. :D
  4. Sorry. I sold the St. Nicholas book. There are still 2 Nut Crackers in stock.
  5. New items listed:

    Unrideable/renamed Frankensteed: Zombie Horse (x 2) = 12k each
    Evergreen Sapling (x 2) = 10k each
    Can Opener (x 2) = 35k each
    Emergency Snow Clearing Device (x 3) = 28k each
    Marlix's Bow (x 1) = 15k
    Momentus's Helmet (x 1) = 45k
    Momentus's Toothpick = 19k
    Valentine (puppy) (x 2) = 35k each
    Amareica (x 1) = 20k

    There's also enchanted gear, weapons, and tools that are too many to list! Please swing by.

    Remember: All prices are negotiable. I'm also willing to trade, but I'd rather sell. Make an offer on my items if you feel the price is unreasonable. Don't be shy. I won't bark or bite!

    That's what's new! Come by 7203 on smp3 if you're interested!
    Raaynn likes this.
  6. I'll take the two zombie horses.. ex- frankenstteds. Sending payment shortly
  7. ok! I'll be there
    Raaynn likes this.
  8. A pleasure doing business with you!
    Raaynn likes this.
  9. I'll take the Bloody Shoes :D
  10. Payment sent :)
  11. Ok! I'll mail them! Just seeing this.
  12. Mailed 'em.
  13. I forgot to say this.
    xSkitzie, it's a pleasure doing business with you!
  14. So, I moved the promos to a different residence. It's not accessible yet, but it will be soon. I am closing this thread and creating a new one. Thank you for your support those of you who have viewed this thread or bought an item.
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