EMC reaches 40,000 members!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Jun 18, 2012.

  2. Yeah, yeah! With the million members one million rupees!
    Manglex, DogsRNice, dales13 and 3 others like this.
  3. :eek:Y U copy me?:eek:
    TealiaStar and Frodomann1 like this.
  4. I agree with you.
    TealiaStar and matthew12hydro like this.
  5. Yes! I finally make sense!
    EDIT: Woah I got a like from Justin! My life has been completed.
    DogsRNice, TealiaStar and JustinGuy like this.
  6. Hell no I didn't forget! In the past two months I left my current job and moved my family from Boston to Denver (over 2,000 miles). In addition I have had on my evil scientist hat and been planning some awesome stuff for EMC :p Anyways doesn't free rupees fix everything? lol
  7. Congratulations Justin, you have worked hard to make this community stand out like no other, the features and ideas you have released to us has revolutionised minecraft and it has inspired many ideas. hip hip, hooray for EMC, and a boost towards 50,000 users!
  8. Me
    Evil scientist? :eek: HAT? :eek:
    TealiaStar and Frodomann1 like this.
  9. Thanks for the kinds words, but I couldn't have done it alone :) Also lets make the goal 500,000!
  10. FREE RUPEES! It is actually an obsession! xD
  11. Yeah I don't know what it means either, just the first thing that popped into my mind.
  12. 500,000? Are you a mad person who wants to take over the world, sir? or did you mean 50,000?
  13. JustinGuy quoted on my post: My day has been made. :)
  14. A like for you, my friend xD
  15. ZOMFG
    yse cna i haz moar ruppes pl0x
  16. I love you.... WAIT not like that lol!

    from a waffle to a guy named Justin snarfing down my own kind, I wish you best of luck with everything
  17. Translate the ZOMFG, please?
    matthew12hydro and Frodomann1 like this.
  18. maybes butt u hazz 2 gimme Dimondz
  19. Well i hope u mived for a better, higher paying job. And i knew u moved, just had to poke at ya a bit ;p

    And a drop in the rupees bucket is always nice :)

    Iv heard a couple rumors on upcoming changes, i must say im a bit excited :)
    matthew12hydro and Frodomann1 like this.
  20. lol
    Frodomann1 likes this.