Why does Live Map still show derelict res buildings when res is reset?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by KatydidBuild, Sep 4, 2019.

  1. Background-
    When you view your res in Town on the Live map - you can literally watch buildings being built. I have used this as a tool to find the center of my res before and to make sure buildings are symmetrical.

    Lately, some town res have started showing some weird updates. Old res designs are popping up and showing through some of the new stuff being built. One res diagonally from me is completely green grass but the Live Map shows parts of buildings there. Why are res contents like that not updated?

    Why is my res updated, but others are not? What is the update timing on the server?

    Why does the Live Map still show a derelict res contents, when the res has been reset to green grass?
    Why doesn't the Live Map show the green grass?
    Will_McNab likes this.
  2. I think it might have something to do with the height on the map? I could be wrong but that might be an answer?:p
  3. The map doesn't update the actual world it shows, it only shows the live location of the players
  4. ummmmm. That is exactly what the Live Map does - update the world view.
    In Town, it sure does update what it shows. That was part of my point... If I can watch a building roof going on, why aren't other res updating as well.

    There is no log-in to see the live map - so that can't be the answer, either.
  5. Sorry if I wasn't clear, the world view doesn't update live, it updates once every few minutes. Sorry if i'm still not answering the question.
  6. As far as I am aware, resetting a res does not trigger the map to update. That involves placing or breaking a block on the res. Please note that there is still a delay after doing that, so the map will not update immediately.
    Burki likes this.
  7. To add to what MoreMoople said, the map does not register World Edit actions as needing an update, much like lighting updates too. Once manual building starts on the res, then the live map will begin to update, albeit slowly. If we had it updating immediately, it would cause more lag.
    MoreMoople likes this.
  8. I am not asking for immediate updating on the Live Map, as I don't want any more lag. But.....
    If I understand this statement correctly, when a command is used to reset a res then it doesn't trigger an update need in the Live Map - such as when a derelict res becomes an open res and available for new players to be assigned to.

    That explains only half of my questions.
    Still doesn't explain why there appears to be some bleed-through of the map from really old builds on a res that are currently being used and built on. And these res are months old changes. So this isn't 'waiting a few minutes to update' type of issue.

    Going to add something that I noticed on at least one of these 'bleed-thru' res in town. That player has become derelict but I have no idea if that changes anything at all as far as the map is concerned. I can find numerous plots all over the Town map that also have this bleed-thru issue.