EMC Hunger Games Season 10 {Forum Game} [30k in Prizes]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Otus_NigRum, Jul 28, 2019.


Would you like to see this series make a comeback?

Yes! 17 vote(s) 89.5%
It was okay, maybe space it out 2 vote(s) 10.5%
No 0 vote(s) 0.0%
It's dead and deserves to be dead 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Fallen Tributes 5
    2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.


    District 8

    Gunman Skele

    District 7

    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  2. Night 5

    oviechicken tends to his wounds.

    TomvanWjnen attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

    Formidable tends to his wounds.

    Potato and Comander sleep in shifts.

    Joy and Peppa Pigeon sleep in shifts.

    xGGirlx receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

    nitwit villager questions his sanity.

    Ricardo Milos passes out from exhaustion.

    Order is awoken by nightmares.

    Zander is awoken by nightmares.

    CarFryer throws a knife into Skiddy's chest.

    Moonmaster cries himself to sleep.
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  3. Day 6

    Formidable receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

    xGGirlx steals from Order while he isn't looking.

    TomvanWjnen receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

    nitwit villager sprains his ankle while running away from Comander.

    Moonmaster discovers a cave.

    Zander and Potato work together for the day.

    Ricardo Milos practices his archery.

    oviechicken injures himself.

    Joy runs away from Peppa Pigeon.

    CarFryer explores the arena.
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  4. Fallen Tributes 6
    1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.


    District 10
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  5. Night 6

    Peppa Pigeon and Formidable huddle for warmth.

    Joy destroys CarFryer's supplies while she is asleep.

    Order is awoken by nightmares.

    TomvanWjnen and nitwit villager tell stories about themselves to each other.

    oviechicken, Ricardo Milos, and Comander start fighting, but Ricardo Milos runs away as oviechickenkills Comander.

    xGGirlx lets Moonmaster into her shelter.

    Potato screams for help.

    Zander receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  6. Day 7

    TomvanWjnen attacks Peppa Pigeon, but he manages to escape.

    Joy searches for firewood.

    Moonmaster receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

    nitwit villager stalks CarFryer.

    oviechicken travels to higher ground.

    Zander sprains his ankle while running away from Potato.

    xGGirlx receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

    Order sprains his ankle while running away from Ricardo Milos.

    Formidable accidently steps on a landmine.
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  7. Fallen Tributes 7
    2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.


    District 2


    District 3

    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  8. Night 7

    oviechicken destroys xGGirlx's supplies while she is asleep.

    Zander receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

    Order and Joy sleep in shifts.

    nitwit villager, Ricardo Milos, and Potato cheerfully sing songs together.

    Peppa Pigeon and CarFryer hold hands.

    Moonmaster thinks about home.

    TomvanWjnen is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  9. Day 8

    Joy picks flowers.

    TomvanWjnen and Potato work together for the day.

    CarFryer and Order split up to search for resources.

    nitwit villager collects fruit from a tree.

    xGGirlx, oviechicken, Moonmaster, and Peppa Pigeon hunt for other tributes.

    Ricardo Milos hunts for other tributes.

    Zander dies from thirst.
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  10. Fallen Tributes 8
    1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.


    District 10

    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  11. Night 8

    nitwit villager looks at the night sky.

    TomvanWjnen receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

    Ricardo Milos sets up camp for the night.

    Moonmaster sees a fire, but stays hidden.

    Joy receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

    oviechicken, xGGirlx, and Peppa Pigeon discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

    Potato destroys Order's supplies while he is asleep.

    CarFryer questions her sanity.
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  12. Day 9

    oviechicken constructs a shack.

    Order makes a slingshot.

    Peppa Pigeon searches for a water source.

    TomvanWjnen steals from Moonmaster while he isn't looking.

    Potato receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

    CarFryer and Joy split up to search for resources.

    Ricardo Milos makes a slingshot.

    xGGirlx explores the arena.

    nitwit villager camouflauges himself in the bushes.
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  13. Fallen Tributes 9
    No cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
    BennyLikesBelts and luckycordel like this.
  14. Night 9

    CarFryer starts a fire.

    oviechicken unknowingly eats toxic berries.

    TomvanWjnen stabs Peppa Pigeon with a tree branch.

    Joy climbs a tree to rest.

    Order and Moonmaster talk about the tributes still alive.

    Potato climbs a tree to rest.

    xGGirlx convinces Ricardo Milos to not kill her, only to kill him instead.

    nitwit villager cries himself to sleep.
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  15. The Feast
    The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.

    TomvanWjnen kills Joy with a sickle.

    CarFryer and Potato fight nitwit villager and Moonmaster. nitwit villager and Moonmaster survive.

    xGGirlx decides not to go to The Feast.

    Order decides not to go to The Feast.
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  16. Day 10

    xGGirlx constructs a shack.

    Order practices his archery.

    TomvanWjnen strangles Moonmaster after engaging in a fist fight.

    nitwit villager picks flowers.
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  17. Fallen Tributes 10
    7 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.


    District 7

    Peppa Pigeon

    District 11

    Ricardo Milos

    District 5


    District 1


    District 3


    District 6


    District 12

    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  18. Night 10

    Order climbs a tree to rest.

    nitwit villager shoots a poisonous blow dart into xGGirlx's neck, slowly killing her.

    TomvanWjnen tries to sing himself to sleep.
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  19. Day 11

    Order receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

    nitwit villager steals from TomvanWjnen while he isn't looking.
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.
  20. Fallen Tributes
    1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.


    District 6
    luckycordel and xGGirlx like this.