[CLOSED] Iron Golem Head!!!!!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ChumMiner, Jun 21, 2019.

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  1. Item: One Iron Golem Head
    Minimum Starting Bid: 50r
    Minimum Bid Increment: 50r
    Auction Ending Time: 72 Hours after the last valid bid

    Preview at /v 17187 or /v +chum auction on smp8. I will mail the head to the winner after payment.

    Note: I know that those people who are trying to collect all the survival 2.0 update heads are going to have some questions. First off, I know someone out there already got one of these heads, so I knew it wasn't impossible. It was just really, really, really hard to get one. I've killed thousands of Iron Golems. But I finally figured it out. I won't take all the credit, but I had a friend to help out. I'm not going to say more, but I think that is enough information for now. Good luck and happy bidding!


    Hey, but try it on for size:

    Hmm, this doesn't quite look right:

  2. 5.1k
    Who wouldn't want this for a parkour course!
    ChumMiner likes this.
  3. 10k I wouldn’t
    ChumMiner likes this.
  4. I need this 100k
    Agennt likes this.
  5. So if anyone needs this to add to their mob head collection, you better bid on it before SkeleTin gets if for a good deal!
  6. Winner! I'll send it to you after payment. Congrats!
  7. And to think, I got mine from dumb luck at a midnight miners event soon after release :D
    ChumMiner likes this.
  8. You got lucky!;)
    ThaKloned likes this.
  9. Ok sending payment as soon as I get on
    ChumMiner likes this.
  10. Edit: Payed :) thanks again
    ChumMiner likes this.
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