Sticky pistons will not push more than 1 slime block

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Dracconis69, Aug 18, 2018.

  1. Aikar & Devs. What did y'all do to the piston mechanics on this server? I am trying to make a simple auto flushing farm and for whatever reason pistons on this server act very strange either together or as a single piston. If I place 8 reg or sticky pistons facing down and power them, they will work just fine. IF those same sticky pistons are used to hold back water then the 2nd and 4th piston will not extend. So with that in mind I decided to use 1 sticky and slime blocks to hold the water back. With 1 slime block the sticky piston will extend, however when you add just 1 more slime block to the side the sticky piston will no longer extend.
  2. I've seen strange things happen on chunk borders...Is your build on a border?
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  3. All of the pistons are inside the same chunk, but yes the 1st piston is on the border. However, the mirrored side does not have the issue.
  4. Close thread
  5. I tried to build a flying machine in the wild before and the piston wouldn't even push one block
    biiiiiiitconnect likes this.
  6. Anti-grief does that.
  7. What do you mean? Anti-grief disables pistons? Pitsons work most of the time
    biiiiiiitconnect likes this.
  8. Either your entire redstone build must be protected by the same player, or be unprotected altogether. If not, it will not work.
  9. It was, I turned on buildmode and replaced each block 1 by 1, but maybe when I powered up the machine I needed the kick start to be in buildmode too, not sure, anyways originally I wasn't in buildmode so all the blocks should have not been protected. All I'm saying is it was a bit trouble some even though I'm sure after a few hours I could have made it work
    biiiiiiitconnect likes this.
  10. Unless you're in /noprotectmode, a lot of redstone materials and other blocks will automatically be protected.
  11. I didn't know that was a command, thanks
    biiiiiiitconnect and Slvr like this.