Well. ill have to break it to you guys...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by StgbtL, Aug 5, 2018.

  1. ...But Im doing an AMA! mainly cuse the are wildly popular on the forums and other places, such as reddit, twitter etc.

    what is ama?
    AMA is ask me anything! ask me any question you got i and i will try to answer it!
  2. What's your favorite type of drink?
  3. Dr. Pepper
    Roslyn likes this.
  4. Wow, lots of AMAs recently! Nice to get to know more about each other though :)

    What is your favorite color?
  5. Your my best friend now I’m drinking one right now

    How do you like your pizza
  6. Do you want to be buried or cremated ?
  7. If I found a headline about you, what would the headline say?
  8. Technically a clickbait thread because i got scared

    If you were told to go to an abandoned island for 10 years and could only take 3 things. What would you take?
    MoreMoople likes this.
  9. What's your favourite music genre, song and album?
  10. Too many clickbait threads lately...
    What is your favorite promo?