The end portall

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TheFryedmans, Jul 21, 2018.

  1. Does anyone know where smp6 end is for the waste or utopias end is I want to explore
  2. i dont (soz) but u do know that u can use eye of ender 2 guide u? throw one (right click) and follow its direction.
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  3. Isn't that going to take hours

    I have had an idea is makeing my own prtall allowed
  4. I'm not sure you can make your own portal
    FadedMartian likes this.
  5. u cant ^.^
  6. 😞😞
  7. Bump bummmmmmmmpppppp

    Just for good measure bump
  8. There used to be a thread I believe made by EvilToade talking about all the End Portal Locations
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  9. EvilToades locations are for the frontier, OP is asking about the waste.
  10. well idk
    Using Eye of enders won't take Hours, It take like 15min walking and 5min elytraing to it!
  11. On smp 6 it’s like 1k our and it has giant crosshairs on it
  12. on smp2 go to waste central, and south of the spawn is a cobble road. Take that if you want to get to an end portal, it's a quick run actually.

    I know you want an smp6 one, but why not mentioned the other ones right?
  13. But do u know the qwards??
  14. Idk look at the map it’s a big crosshairs lemme try to find it
    Loic_MaitreDuFeu likes this.
  15. U know the place like sw c NW n ??
  16. C it’s east
  17. If looked on waste maps and I can only see something at East but nothing else
  18. If someone could find it on smp2 too that would be grand (I don't have the patience to use eye of ender nor the time)
  19. Next I’m on I’ll find the end portal in the waste on smp2
  20. Impulsive_Egg likes this.