[Auction] 6 DCs of Poppies

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Sadie_dog, Jul 16, 2018.

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  1. Yup.. FeII has done it again. Keep in mind that yes I have a poppy dump on my res on 8 (which is why I have 6 DCs (again)).

    Item: 6 Double Chests of Poppies
    Starting bid: 6 r
    Minimum Bid Increment: 1 r
    Bid ending: 48 hours after the last bid.

    Good luck to those that need this.
    Pickup will be on my res.
    purplebook163 and Tuqueque like this.
  2. Lunchtime bump. (think it's been 3 hours)
  3. Dinner bump. KnightZer0ne is winning with 2k.
  4. Good morning! Bump for the 24 hr mark of Knight.
  5. Lunchtimish bump
  6. Dinner bump, Knight is gonna win as soon as I'm up in the mornin at this rate!
  7. Bedtime bump, hope it's been 3 hours (i hope this is EMC times), if no one posts, Knight wins when I wake up.
  8. Alright, KnightZer0ne, I'll set up an access sign, please send 2K. Good job.
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