~Auction~ Promo's!!!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by LemonShard, Feb 2, 2018.

  1. Items: Pot Of Gold
    Fahrenheit 500k Blade
    MineCon Earth T-shirt
    Empire Firework
    Remembrance Day Poppy
    Stuffing Scooper
    Cupid Bow

    Starting Bid: 30k

    Minimum Bid Increment: 500r

    Auction Ending Time: 48H after last valid bid

    Happy Bidding! :)
  2. What Empire Firework? :eek:

  3. And is the Cupid's Bow Unbreaking or Infinity?

    :D Thanks!
  4. It happens to be both :)
  5. Sorry, is in Unbreaking III or Unbreakable? And what year is the Empire Firework, what holiday?
  6. Its Unbreakable and its 2017 New Years celebration
    q1zx likes this.
  7. Looks like we have a winner! I will hopefully be on later today and put up an access sign on my res. You'll find the chest to the right of my 1st res in the chest room! Thanks! :D
    q1zx likes this.