1 DC of Iron Ingots

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Rimont, Dec 29, 2017.

  1. Item: 1 DC of iron ingots
    Starting Bid: 5k
    Bid Increment: 500r
    Auction ends 48 hour after last bid
    pickup at smp6 /v Rimont
  2. here we go again. 10,500r
  3. Congratulations rocket_stone you have one the auction for 12k
    Pay and pickup at smp6 /v Rimont
  4. The Access sign is placed wrong, you have to place it on top of the chest.
    RampageX10 likes this.
  5. hahaha everyone places it on the chest aye XD its so frikin annoying
  6. ok i will change it
  7. Picked up, Thank you :)