[AUCTION] DC of Nether Quartz Ore

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Awesomeshepherd, Nov 24, 2017.

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  1. Starting Bid: 1000r
    Minimum Bid Increment: 100r
    Auction End: 48 hours after last bid
    Pickup is at /v +AS2 on Smp9

    Happy Bidding :)
  2. Bump 😛
  3. Shoot, i forgot about the three hour timer for this 😞
  4. 75,757 rupees
  5. I'll pay when I get home
  6. Im sorry! My wifi went down last night and i couldnt reply to the thread, i'll give you access to the chest as soon as i can. Pickup is at /v +AS2 on smp9 (PS, if that tag doesnt work, do /v awesomeshepherd 2 :p
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