[RECRUITING] Eagles Peak!

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ApPl3ZZ, Jul 26, 2017.


    Eagles Peak is a frontier outpost on SMP7. We currently only have a few members and would love to welcome others to the team! We are a smaller outpost with a main city area that has some buildings and a housing district right outside the city.

    We are accepting anyone into the Peak, but right now we are mainly looking for builders! If you are good at building or just enjoy doing it, please send me a PM right now!!

    We have a picture gallery of our outpost on here, as well as maps, information about the outpost, and a member list.

    If you are interested in joining, please fill out this application here: https://goo.gl/forms/D7i1P3wczWhtbtND3, and I will get back to you with a PM.

    We hope to see you there!
  2. Reserved for future information. :)
  3. Reserved for future information. :)
  4. Reserved for future information. :)
  5. Reserved for future information. :)
  6. Happy that you are back Appl3zz. Been a while since I've been there. I'll come back Sunday if you are on. :)
  7. Bump!! Join Eagles Peak Today!!!
  8. Update:

    I have returned from a 9 month hiatus and will be helping out with the applications as they roll in. you can also PM me directly if you have any questions. Website will also be receiving an update/overhaul by the end of the week. look forward to seeing you all there!