[AUCTION] 3 Epicly Enchanted Diamond Picks

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Ltmoores, Jun 2, 2012.

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  1. Pick 1. Silk Touch I

    Pick 2. Silk Touch I Efficiency IV (only broken 29 blocks)

    Pick 3. Unbreaking IV Fortune II (Only broken 24 blocks)

    Bid starting at 1k Highest bidder gets a choice 2nd highest bidder gets a choice of what ever bidder 1 hasnt claimed 3rd highest bidder the last pick no one has taken.

    Bid Ends Sunday (australian) 3rd of june at 5 pm Australian Time

    At least 8 people need to bid

  2. the highest bid is 1k
  3. The highest bid is 1k!!!!!!!!
  4. dude no-ones gonna understand if you just say that, just to let you know what you're saying means, " The max bid you can make is 1K" if that is true then we're all doing the right thing.

    I your say, "that the minimum bid is 1K" then we will all know that we must bid at least 1k...
  5. Oh woops Smallest Bid is 1k xD
  6. Um 3k please!
  7. Bids Closed Come to /v LTmoores to claim your prizes iv made rooms for you and your prices just tell me what kind of pick you want and il put them with your prices at my res on smp8
  8. I will pick up the Silk Touch on Tuesday due to studying for exams. Please Reserve that for me!
  9. Still last place left the bid has to be 1k! so selling a pick for 1k!
  10. I'll take the last pick #3 for 1k Save it for me I'll pick it up
  11. i will take for Pick 2. Silk Touch I Efficiency IV (only broken 29 blocks) for
  12. 8k for all of them
  13. Deal has already been done man.
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