Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by TheDarkAngel7, Sep 5, 2017.


What should I auction next?

Poll closed Sep 8, 2017.
4 DCs of Brick Blocks! 3 vote(s) 60.0%
Brick Blocks! but not all 4 DCs though... 0 vote(s) 0.0%
2 DCs of Clay Blocks! 1 vote(s) 20.0%
DC of Steak 1 vote(s) 20.0%
  1. Hey EMCers! Welcome to my 71st auction!

    This time the auction is going to be a DC of Emeralds! We all know emeralds has its uses, mainly for villager trading, and you can get enchanted books. I'm selling these emeralds to the person who is willing to spend the most rupees!

    Item: 1 DC of Emeralds
    Minimum Start Bid: 25,000r
    Minimum Bid Increment: 500r
    Auction Closing Time: 48 hours after the previous valid bid

    Auction Pickup Information: Use the command "
    /v 10225 auction1
    " while connected to this angel's home server, smp5. II require payment 1st before the access sign is setup, or if you'd like, I can fly these emeralds over to your server!
    DemonicMagi likes this.
  2. *Flies down the thread list, grabs this thread, and drops it on top*

    DemonicMagi is in the lead with 30,000r! Anyone willing to top that?
  3. *Flies down the thread list, grabs this thread, and drop it on top*

    Tbird1128 is in the lead with 40,000r! Anyone willing to outbid that?
  4. *Flies down the thread list, grabs this thread, and drops it on top*

    Tbird1128 is currently in the lead with 50,000r! Anyone willing to top that?
  5. *Flies down the thread list, grabs this thread, and drops it on top*

    About 20 hours left in the auction...
  6. 51,000r
    TheDarkAngel7 likes this.
  7. *Flies down the thread list, grabs this thread, and drops it on top*

    About 23 hours left in the auction before Tbird1128 takes these emeralds 62,000r!
  8. 62.5k
    TheDarkAngel7 likes this.
  9. 64.5k
    TheDarkAngel7 likes this.