[Price Check] Speed 100 + horse

Discussion in 'Price Inquiries' started by BakiTheDyno, Apr 12, 2017.

  1. I have a couple horses over 100 speed, nothing over 120,
    but I'm curious if they are worth anything. o v o

    The colors are:
    pure black
    pure white
    black white spot
    brown colored.

    I don't know if color effects pricing of a horse. Let me know if it does though.
    Thank you very much to anyone that has a quick answer.
    I am on server smp3, if server room changes anything with pricing as well. o v o
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  2. Over 100 and under 120 is pretty cheap. I've seen prices from 10-50r.
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  3. I wouldent buy one personally unless ot had insane jump and hp but other than that its sometimes free unless you sell by color then U can get 50r or so for people who like certian colors
  4. Alrighty. Thank you for letting me know. o v o
  5. As ex stated above, long term players who know how horse stats work would most likely not buy any of those. However chances are new players would probably be interested. The white and brown horses would probably not sell quickly because the current market is flooded with those colors (check ex's public breeding stables and you'll know why). The 2 black horses though would probably grab attention and sell quicker, mostly because the color is a tad rarer. Hope this helps!
    ExExUnderscore likes this.