[AUCTION[ 1 DC of Infinity Enchanted Books

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by samtheboo, Feb 26, 2017.


How many Infinity Enchanted Books are in a DC?

Poll closed Mar 4, 2017.
54 :P 4 vote(s) 80.0%
Infinity :3 1 vote(s) 20.0%
too lazy to think rn 0 vote(s) 0.0%
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  1. Ay! Today we're bidding on 1 DC of Infinity Enchanted Books. Here's the fine print:

    Starting Price: 1000r
    Minimum Bid Increase: 1000r
    Ending Time: 72 hours after last valid bid

    Alright, let's get this started!
  2. I forgot to add pickup in the main thread, it's at /v +bulk on utopia.
  3. To infinity and beyond - 1k
  4. here's a anti-trump bump
  5. maybe a forest gump bump?
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