[AUCTION] 50 DC's of eggs...Help.Me.

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by AmogusPogus, Feb 3, 2017.

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  1. Items: 50 Double chests of eggs, in total 43200 eggs
    Starting bid: One rupee
    Minimum bid increase: 1000r
    Auction ends 48 hours after last valid bid :^)
    Teodorn likes this.
  2. 1,002r
    Equinox_Boss and Perez2428 like this.
  3. 9K
    Trommis likes this.
  4. 12k Why the heck do you even have that many eggs? xD And why am I bidding for them?
    Trommis and RaptureDepths like this.
  5. 13K Literally you had an hour to go and you wouldn't have had them anymore whyyyyyyyyy?
    Trommis and RaptureDepths like this.
  6. XD cause you want them ;)
  7. I pressed reply but ok
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